Community Support
Getting involved in your community means something different to everyone.
Whatever you are into our Support Workers are here to help you get involved. We at ReliAbility will match you with the right Support Worker and we’ll have a lot of fun along the
way! Here are some ideas:
- outdoor adventures such as kayaking, camping or Story Bridge climb
- getting back to nature with fishing, bush walking or gardening
- recreational activities like cooking, wood working or photography
- support to host a dinner party or be involved at a family dinner
- a trip to the beach or the movies with family or friends
- support your team at a sporting event or match
We also know that life is not always about the fun stuff – although we wish it was!
Sometimes you might need support getting out and about for daily activities and we
can help with this too. This might include:
- getting to therapy or other appointments
- going to your place of work or study
- doing your weekly grocery shop
- help anywhere where independent access is limited